Sinister and Teddy

Sin & Teddy are back from being spayed, and bouncing off the bloody walls. You’d think major surgery would slow them down for a day or three.


6 thoughts on “Sinister and Teddy

  1. I secretly love getting cats spayed, because their shaved bellies amuse me so damn much.

    Sounds like they’re recovering nicely!

  2. ‘Rare cat blogging?’
    I don’t think I even realised you had cats, I’ve been so focused on the rats and dogs over the years!
    Nice to meet the rest of the family : )

  3. Mm, I love those little shaved bellies, too. Recovering? What recovery? I was damn near crippled for weeks after surgery, these guys got home and were running, jumping, climbing – and the post-care papers says “keep exercise to a minimum.” Umm, sure.

    JD, oh, I know, I don’t do much cat blogging at all. There’s still Ophelia (all black cat), Grendel (all black cat) and Elvis (Mostly black, tuxedo with white socks).

  4. Lovely cats. When did Sin and Teddy join your menagerie? (If it was mentioned, I totally missed it.)

  5. Oh, we adopted Sin & Elvis about 8.5 years ago, and Teddy is their spawn, she’s about 4 years or so. Ophelia is 13 years old, and Grendel is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 9 years (we put the cat kennel up first thing when we moved to Almont, and it wasn’t even up two days before someone locked a starving Grendel in it.)

  6. I guess I didn’t realize you had quite so many cats at home since I’ve gotten to know you. I’m very happy Grendel found a good home with you. My sister would say, “Some people’s kids,” but that puts probably unearned blame on said parents.

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