
Hello there.  I’m an artist and photographer, 58 years old, married, childfree.  My photography galleries can be found at  http://caine.zenfolio.com/

I live in North Dakota in a very small town where I can happily indulge my anti-social side.  When I’m not working or goofing off, I can generally be found on Pharyngula. I curate two ongoing threads there, Discuss: Art and  Discuss: Interesting Stuff. The links to the current threads are on the Pharyngula sidebar. One of these days, I’ll have an Etsy store, Caine Stitch, where hopefully, I’ll be able to sell some of my needlesmithing.

I’m now blogging at FTB: http://freethoughtblogs.com/affinity/ Stop by!


15 thoughts on “About

  1. Donated to the Red River people because I’m a huge fan of your Pharyngula posts.

  2. I wanted to say thank you. I’ve read thousands of your comments at Pharyngula and you’ve been hugely instrumental in altering my thinking about misogyny, sexual assault, and a zillion other things. You’ve helped me stop blaming myself and lifted a lot (process continuing) of the rape culture blinders I had that I was unaware of, even as a woman. I realize this blog deals with your stitchery, not this type of comment, so please feel free to delete this. Thank you again, Caine.

  3. Hi, Chandrese. I wouldn’t dream of deleting your comment. I’ve talked about all manner of things on this blog, including rape.

    Thank you *so* much. I don’t have words enough to tell you how happy I am that I’ve helped in a small way. I know how tough it is, to overcome all the things we’ve been taught, the way we think and how much it can really hurt us. It’s not easy, changing perceptions, it takes courage and you obviously have that in abundant supply.

    If you ever want to talk, please, feel free to comment here, on any entry, doesn’t matter to me, or track me down on Pharyngula or e-mail to fleuret du amour @ g mail dot com, no spaces. You have support and we have your back.

  4. I’d like to echo some of chandrese’s remarks. I’ve lurked at Pharyngula for several years, and throughout that time many good posters have made many good points that have contributed to a greater understanding of issues that may not directly impact me as much as others, but if I had to highlight an individual that made the biggest differences and best connections, it would easily be you Caine.

    I’m continually impressed with your tenacity in the face of the repetitive tactics employed by people that, for one reason or another, prefer to deny issues or attack victims instead of greeting them with empathy. You’ve done much more than your fair share, and you deserve sincere thanks for it.

    Thank you.

  5. Hello, Ken. I don’t have words, and thank you seems very inadequate. It’s all I have though, so thank you, so very much. You’re like a beautiful candle flame in the dark, and it makes my life better, knowing I did any thing at all to help that flame stay bright.

  6. Hi Caine –

    I just wanted to thank you for your efforts on Pharyngula to educate people about the realities of sexual assault, abuse, and, well, just common sense, or what should be. I spent years as a therapist for sexual abuse victims (still do, though not that speciality specifically) so I know some of this stuff. Never doubt that you’re doing great work and saving lives. As a man it’s really sad to see how much ignorance is out there.

  7. Hallo, Scott! Thank you, thank you, thank you. That is beyond nice to hear, it’s incredibly reassuring. The ignorance can be overwhelming, to say the least, but I keep a lot of hope that even in the hardest of cases, a seed was planted. If that’s the best we can do for now, we have to be content with it. It’s not easy to change minds and perspectives, I know I don’t have to tell you that, given your work. You have to start somewhere, though.

    Thanks for all the work you do as a therapist, too. A good therapist is worth all the good things on earth.

  8. Of all places to find hope for the human race I found it on a blog site for atheists. I have found that hope living inside you. I find you really annoying. That is a REALLY GOOD THING !!! The reason that I find it annoying is because you can touch me. So, if you can cause a person such as myself to feel, to think, to change…..you are something special. I hope that you can heal from the pain of this world. I look forward to seeing your fire flare bright. Take time. I hope to be subjected to your scathing intellect soon. Best of the world to you and yours.


  9. KeresThanatos! I haven’t seen you around for quite a while. I hope you are well, and that life in general is good for you.

    Well, I’m glad my annoyance value is good for something. Thank you very much for getting in touch.

  10. Hi. I want to add my words to the others here. I had been wondering where Caine was on Pharyngula, and feeling worried that something bad had gone down. Now I am happy to find you under a new nym, so I know who to look to for her amazingly spot-on responses there. I have learned so much from you, and from others at Pharyngula, but you especially seem to be razor sharp. Thank you for sticking it out and never quitting, for continually rising to fight the assholes. BTW, I am lucky to live near JoAnns and Michaels, so I haven’t had to go to a HL for years, but hold your nose to get what you need, then make amazing art with it. Atheist art, involving cephalopods!

  11. Thank you so much, Lina! I’ve heard so much about Michaels, I wish they’d move into Bismarck. One of these days, maybe. Cephalopod art. Yes, that would be good. :D

  12. Hello Caine, i’ve just seen your review for Clive Barker’s The Scarlet Gospels and just wanted to thank you for totally and utterly destroying it for me. As a massive fan of Pinhead’s work in the late 80’s and early 90’s I was very excited to watch the latest installment which inturn inspired me to dig out The Hellbound heart. I then discovered Mr Barker had penned a sequal, I read the preview on google books then some reviews to gauge the zietgiest. My excitment was palpable, I needed to buy this book. I have no words for how fucking retarded you are for giving away the biggest twist of the story in the first line of your review. I was going wish all of Pinheads nastiness on you but I see you’re currently battling cancer, I sincerely hope it is a long and painful journey to death you horrible cunt.

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